Friday, January 3, 2020

13 Weird Ways People Used To Test Pregnancy Throughout History

Decide when you’ll announce your pregnancy. Many women like to wait until after the first trimester, when the chance of miscarriage drops drastically, to announce their pregnancy. Others are comfortable with announcing early on. Tell your employer as soon as possible so they can plan to accommodate you and your baby.

That means if you wait a day or two after your missed period to take the test, and you are pregnant, it's more likely the test will find HCG and show a positive result. They figured this out by injecting the urine of pregnant people into sexually immature rabbits, rats, and mice, which would induce ovarian development. Most of the time, the pregnant person’s pee would produce bulging masses on the animals’ ovaries, a sure indication of the presence of hCG. Pine-Sol, a pine-scented antibacterial household cleaner, is another popular ingredient in homemade pregnancy tests. Mix 1/2 cup urine with 1/2 cup of Pine-Sol and mix it well.

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It should be applied with the first urine to be made as soon as you get up in the morning. If you see an evaporation line on an at-home pregnancy test, you might be confused if you’re expecting or not. Since these symptoms can be caused by other health conditions, you’ll want to take a legit pregnancy test before drawing any conclusions. Allegedly, the hCG reacts with the pine and changes the color.

old fashioned home pregnancy test

This method ran through a lot of rabbits, mice, and rats; though the phrase “the rabbit died” popularly meant that the woman was pregnant, in actuality, all of the rabbits—and the mice and rats—died. Though doctors could look at the ovaries of the animal without killing it, that tended to be too much trouble. Early on in pregnancy, roughly six to eight weeks in, the cervix, labia, and vagina can take on a dark bluish or purple-red hue, owing to the increased blood flow to the area. This remarkable indication of pregnancy was first noticed in 1836 by a French physician. It later became known as Chadwick’s sign, after James Read Chadwick, an obstetrics doctor who brought the discovery up at a meeting of the American Gynecological Society in 1886.

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According to historical sources, in both Egypt and Greece, a common way of detecting whether a woman was pregnant was to use either garlic or onions. The woman would go to sleep in her bed as normal withfood placed near or even into the vagina. In the morning, they would then be tested to see if the smell from the garlic had moved through her body onto her breath.

old fashioned home pregnancy test

If the mixture bubbles, it could be a positive result. It’s believed that the hCG hormone in urine reacts with the bleach and cause it to foam and fizz. As with the other tests, you’re probably better off using this household product for one of its intended purposes. Furthermore, urine from nonpregnant women can cause the same reaction. As soon as you become pregnant, your body starts to produce a special hormone HCG. Starting on the 9th day after the date you expected your menstrual period to begin, there should be sufficient concentration of HCG in your urine to give an accurate reading of pregnancy.

EPT test-tube home pregnancy test kits (

That's because shortly after a fertilized egg attaches to the uterine lining — a process called implantation — the placenta begins forming. The placenta makes the pregnancy hormone human chorionic gonadotropin . HCG is present in the body only during pregnancy. It’s always a good idea to take a few homemade tests rather than just one. If you get mixed results, wait a few days or a week, and retake the test, or use a store-bought home pregnancy test.

old fashioned home pregnancy test

This involved your urine sample of course, and the test kit included a plastic rack, a bottle of hCG-antiserum, a bottle of cell suspension, as well as a bottle of control solution and two test tubes. Additionally, testers needed filter paper small and a small funnel or centrifuge, as well as syringes or clean pipettes, and of course a saline solution. And this also involved a lot of waiting at the doctor's office, which was two-hours long where there were no such things as iPads and smartphones to help make the time fly by. However, at the time books and magazines were the only ways to help that happen. You know that for a fact since a blood test is the only way to detect pregnancy after going through an IVF treatment as well. You probably wondered how a pregnancy was confirmed during the Ancient Egypt era, which goes back to 1350 BC.

They discovered that a hormone present in the urine of a pregnant woman would also affect the physiology of rats and other rodents. The pee would be directly injected into the creatures and after a few days, they would be killed and dissected so that their ovaries could be examined. Large masses and growths in the sexual organs meant that pregnancy was confirmed.

old fashioned home pregnancy test

The higher likelihood of a chemical pregnancy to occur is another reason why it may be better to wait at least a week after your period is due to take a home pregnancy test. This means that a fertilized egg did implant into your uterus and developed just enough to trigger the production of hCG, but then, for whatever reason, stopped developing. Typically, about 30% to 50% of all fertilized eggs end up aschemical pregnanciesbecause of abnormalities or other reasons that make further development impossible. When this occurs, most people will end up getting a period .


If one is odd and the other is even, it's a baby boy. If you constantly reach for meat, cheese, or other salty foods, then you'll be having a boy, according to this old wives' tale. Yearning for sugar and spice and every sweet thing in the store? Taking a home pregnancy test can be exciting, but it also may be stressful. That's especially true if you're not sure whether you should trust the results. Know when and how to take a home pregnancy test.

old fashioned home pregnancy test

It is also best to test first thing in the morning, as your urine will have a higher concentration of the hCG hormone. For most home pregnancy tests, you put the end of the test in your urine stream, dip the test in a container of urine or put several drops of urine onto the test. It's often a plus or a minus sign, the words "yes" or "no," one line or two lines, or the words "pregnant" or "not pregnant." Before the invention of this miraculous device, the most reliable test was just to wait and see.

For the most accurate results, take the test right after you get up in the morning. That's when your urine is the most concentrated, making HCG easier to find. A false-positive might happen if you had a pregnancy loss soon after the fertilized egg attached to the uterine lining. You also may get a false-positive if you take a pregnancy test soon after taking fertility medicine that contains HCG. Problems with the ovaries and menopause also might lead to a false-positive test result. Make sure to follow the test directions for how long to wait before checking the results.

old fashioned home pregnancy test

Now its high accuracy rate has been verified here in America by doctors who clinically confirmed the results of tests performed by women themselves in their own homes. We’ll cover how accurate homemade pregnancy tests are, explaining how they work, when you should take them, and what to do if you get a positive result. If you receive a positive result on a home pregnancy test, make an appointment to see your healthcare provider.

A pregnancy test is useless if you can’t figure out how to use it. But test tubes, eye droppers, and a science book others call “the instructions” make most pregnancy tests hard to take. Things were starting to get more advanced in the 1960's as the advancement of maternal and obstetric care was beginning to show.

Pregnancy tests with baking soda (pregnancy test results with baking soda give 70% accurate results). While it’s tempting to opt for a simple homemade pregnancy test made with cupboard ingredients instead of a store-bought variety, the truth is they aren’t scientifically proven to be accurate. In general, home pregnancy tests can be used the day after you miss your period. Some early detection pregnancy tests can be used earlier than that. Drugstore home pregnancy tests claim to be about 99 percent accurate. While there are many online resources about homemade pregnancy tests, very few of them look at whether these tests are scientifically accurate.

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